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Educational grants for young people

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Are you a high school or college student who could use some extra finance, either for a project or for course expenses? Read on!

Tarvin Educational Foundation – Grant applications invited for 2024

The Tarvin Educational Foundation is the Charity set up to manage the endowment of the Old Tarvin Grammar School. The purpose of the Charity is to financially assist with the educational needs of students of

Secondary School age, or older, who live in the Parishes of Tarvin, Kelsall, Ashton, Duddon and Burton, Clotton Hoofield and Mouldsworth.

This help takes the form of financial assistance with fees, books, instruments, tools for a trade or for other educational projects.

Usually today this means financial help with the costs of University or College courses, Apprenticeships or overseas projects of an educational nature. The awards are normally around a few hundred pounds – depending on the number of applications received.

The awards are made every September by the Trustees of the Foundation who are representatives of Parish Councils and Borough Council (as the Local Education Authority) along with 2 locally co-opted Governors.

The Governors are now inviting applications for 2024 from Students living in the appropriate Parish.

Any student interested in making an application this year should email our Clerk at Please include your full name, postal address including postcode, email address and contact phone number in this initial email.

An application form will be emailed back and this should be completed and returned by email to the Clerk by the end of July 2024.

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