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Could you be a Parish Councillor?

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Could you help the community by getting involved with the parish council?

Kelsall parish Council is involved in a wide range of local issues, from green spaces and the playground, to the village website, support for young people, wildlife initiatives, highways improvements and more! Our mission is to 'improve the physical and social infrastructure of the Parish, as far as it is within our powers, resources and abilities"

We currently have space for three councillors – all you need is to live in Kelsall, be enthusiastic and have a bit of free time!

You could also join one of our working groups – on maintaining our green spaces, helping on the playground, organising our summer event Kelfest.

Get in touch with us by emailing, or come to one of our monthly meetings, on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7pm (at the St Philips Church lounge).

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